Free Teacher Resources
These teacher resource materials support the use of the Collins Writing Program and are provided free of charge. Be sure to check back periodically, as this list of resources continues to grow over time. If you have Collins Writing Program resources that you’d like to share with your colleagues, please contact us. We will promptly review your submission for possible inclusion. And, don’t forget to see our Collins Exchange for new and practical ideas on using and teaching writing.

Resources for all your Collins needs are available in multiple categories. Choose the one that's right for you.

Everything Type Three and Type Four
FCA Lists
Assignments and Lesson Plans
Student Writing Portfolios

Collins Basics
These “basics” will provide a foundation for Collins Writing in your classroom.
Visit our store to purchase one of our core books to provide an overview of the Five Types of Writing and get you started.
Five Types of Writing Mini-Poster
Visit our store for full-color, classroom-sized posters.
Collins Basics - Collins Paper
Type Three v1 and v2
Diagnostic Writing Prompts for Beginning of Year
Communication with Parents

Vocabulary Development
An array of resources for building general academic and domain-specific vocabulary.
Vocabulary Development

Types One and Two
Retrieval Routine

Everything Type Three and Four
Tips, assignments, FCAs, and more to support skills development in your classroom.​
Visit our entire page dedicated to Type Three
and Four Writing.
FCA Lists, Tips, and Suggestions
Assignments, Lesson Plans, and Student Resources, including:
Vocabulary Cards, Ten Percent Summary, Compare and Contrast, and more
Argument, Opinion, and Text-Based Writing
Student Writing Portfolios

Revising, Editing, and the Mechanics of Writing
Use these resources to build student writing habits and tackle your mechanics pet peeves.
Visit our store for more Check Mate resources--posters, Student Reference Folders, Teacher Resource Guides, and more.
Teacher Revising and Editing Skills
Essential Convention Check Mate™ Teacher Resource Guide Sample

Collins Writing in the Math Classroom
Special resources just for math teachers!
Visit our store for How Did You Get That?--an entire book just for math teachers.
Create Your Own Quiz Questions
Mystery Word Riddles

For School Leaders
Resources for building and sustaining a strong Collins Writing practice in your school or district.
Administrator’s Corner - Fostering a Culture of Writing