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Why Choose Collins Writing?

Collins Writing is based on the most current research and decades of best practices in the field of education. It provides teachers with the framework they need to improve learning across content areas while building lifelong thinking and writing skills.

The Collins Writing Program has a 35-year record of improving student writing and academic skills by providing teachers with strategies and practices backed by research. See the full summary of the research here.

Collins Writing is Proven, Practical, and Flexible. Read on for more details.
  • Based on the most current research

  • Incorporates best practices

  • Over 30 years of success

  • Used in real classrooms by real teachers


In short, it works!

  • Includes time-saving techniques

  • Embeds high leverage practices

  • Requires minimal teacher planning time

  • Shifts balance of workload from teacher to student


Small adjustments, big results!

  • Works with all subjects/grade levels

  • Complements existing curriculum

  • Designed to meet varied learning needs-EL, Sp. Ed., etc.

  • Allows for teacher autonomy while building consistent routines


One language → schoolwide growth

The Research

Empty Classroom

The Research

Writing about content reliably enhanced learning. It was equally effective at improving learning in science, social studies, and mathematics as well as the learning of elementary, middle, and high school students…”


Steve Graham in “The Effects of Writing on Learning in Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics: A Meta-Analysis

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Why It Matters

So students should be writing, and they should be writing frequently,
in all content areas.


Middle School,

In 2016, Bridgeport Middle School set a goal: to improve social studies and science performance. With a professional development program that included multiple rounds of training with Dr. Collins, results showed steady improvement during that time: both science and social studies scores increased to the highest levels the school had seen.

Read More.


Even More Case Studies!

Looking for even more successful examples of Collins Writing in action? These profiles were created by user schools and districts to summarize their results using the Collins Writing Program. Click on a link to learn more!

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