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Professional Development

Find the right plan for you...

When it comes to professional development, schools don’t want a one-size fits all plan. In order to meet the individual requirements of our clients, we offer a full range of consulting services, from beginning workshops and institutes to advanced train-the-trainer models. Working together, we will create a professional development blueprint from the following in-person and virtual options that's a custom fit for your staff, budget, and timeline. Please contact our office and let us create a plan that works for you.


See our Top Ten Workshops or Contact Us for a custom-designed training program.

Smiling Teacher
Audience and Lecturer

Professional Development

Our in-person sessions are custom-designed to meet the needs of your school or district. Some of our most common professional development models are highlighted below.


Whole-Staff Training
Get everyone on the same page from Day One. Our interactive and practical workshops may cover a variety of topics from basic introductory sessions to more advanced implementation and support. 


Institutes offer the opportunity for host schools or districts to receive FREE training and are a very popular professional development option for schools and districts. Contact Us!


In-Class Demonstrations and Model Lessons
A teacher favorite! Our trained Associates demonstrate Collins techniques and strategies in your classrooms.


Individual and Team Support
A perfect choice for professional learning communities, grade level and department teams, and individual teachers. This option directly addresses teachers’ concerns and questions.


Coaching and Observations
We work with your staff to co-plan and co-teach lessons, observe teachers in action, and provide feedback to prompt growth.


Portfolio Reviews

Work side-by-side with an Associate to review student writing and identify implementation strengths and areas for future professional development and classroom instruction.


Advanced Training for Literacy Coaches
In-depth training for a cadre of teachers and coaches is an excellent way to build self-sustaining, long-term capacity within a school or district.


Coaching for Instructional Leaders
CEA can provide specially designed plans for administrators and instructional leaders, from assessing programs and setting goals to designing focused professional learning communities to identifying and developing leaders. For a sampling of what we have to offer, check out our Administrator's Corner Tip Sheets. 


See our Most Requested Workshops or Contact Us for a custom-designed training program.

Professional Development

Anytime, anywhere PD. Our virtual sessions provide added flexibility without sacrificing quality. We offer three styles of virtual training.


Virtual Training 
Our interactive sessions target a wide variety of topics and provide embedded opportunities for participants to practice activities, ask questions, and discuss details with fellow participants and the presenter. (Pre-recorded and live sessions can be combined to use the flipped class model.)
 See our current online course offerings or Contact Us for more information


Pre-Recorded Webinars
For asynchronous professional development. Available for individuals and for whole staff training. These short sessions (usually 30-50 minutes) are designed for participants to view independently. See options for immediate download.


Graduate Courses
See our Public Courses for current offerings or Contact Us for more information about earning credit for Collins training.

Virtual Team Meeting


Megan M.
New Castle, DE
(elementary teacher)

It was fabulous.  The most helpful PD on writing I’ve had.   

Dorothy, NJ
Weymouth School

Presenter was not just delivering information, she related it to real world classroom experience.  I appreciate her understanding of students.

Pam L.
St. Leonard School, Berwyn, IL (middle school teacher)

I will use this tomorrow!  Very helpful!  Covers all subjects.  [Presentation style] was clear, relaxed, effective!      

601 Route 206/Suite 26-405
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

Contact Us
About Collins Education Associates
CEA  delivers high-quality professional development to improve students' written communication skills and build subject area knowledge and understanding. Our cross-curricular writing model has been used successfully by thousands of teachers and millions of students in K−12 classrooms for more than 30 years . . . long before state and national standards called for frequent writing in all subject areas.
Copyright 2024. Collins Education Associates LLC.
All Rights Reserved. No portion of the Collins Writing Program or products of Collins Education Associates LLC may be copied without permission.
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