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Free Administrator Resources

The Collins Writing Program emphasizes writing across the curriculum. A successful implementation typically requires a two- to three-year commitment by the school or district and may
include teacher and administrator workshops, demonstration lessons, grade level meetings,
writing folder reviews, and in-depth summer institutes.
CEA understands that a “one-size-fits-all” implementation plan isn't practical. We’ll work
collaboratively with you to:
  • assess your staff skills level and determine long term growth expectations;
  • select the training activities that will best meet your objectives; and
  • provide a proposal for approval and implementation
​​The following resources tale a closer look at the process we’ll use to design your training plan.

Step 1: Assess Skills & Set Goals.

601 Route 206/Suite 26-405
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

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About Collins Education Associates
CEA  delivers high-quality professional development to improve students' written communication skills and build subject area knowledge and understanding. Our cross-curricular writing model has been used successfully by thousands of teachers and millions of students in K−12 classrooms for more than 30 years . . . long before state and national standards called for frequent writing in all subject areas.
Copyright 2024. Collins Education Associates LLC.
All Rights Reserved. No portion of the Collins Writing Program or products of Collins Education Associates LLC may be copied without permission.
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