Most Requested Collins Workshops
We pride ourselves in designing workshops that are relevant, engaging, and practical. All of our Associates are life-long educators who understand the role of school leaders and the life of the classroom teacher. These popular workshops are just a starting point for your professional development experience. All workshops can be tailored to meet individual staff needs and learning outcomes. Click the arrows to expand the workshop descriptions.
The Art of Writing in the AI Era: Balancing Technology and Best Practices in the Classroom
A Schoolwide Approach to Improve Literacy
Improving Student Performance Through Writing and Thinking Across the Curriculum
The Retrieval Routine
Writing Roadmap: Improving Writing Skills and Habits Through Meaningful
Pre-Assessment, Purposeful Focus Correction Areas, and Strategic Instruction
How Did You Get That? Improving Written Responses in Math
Sentence Expansion for Improving Engagement, Understanding, and Writing
Improving Revising and Editing Skills
Essential Collins Writing Assignments for the Standards-Based Classroom
Supporting and Sustaining Collins Writing in Your School
Collins Writing in Specialty Areas
Designing Authentic Curriculum-Based Assignments

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