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Managing and Improving Writing Skills and Habits in the Primary Grades

Kristine Gibson

Research shows that the frequency of writing is directly correlated to student growth in writing. However, finding time for writing and providing students with meaningful feedback on their writing is a challenge in the primary grades. During this in-person workshop, participants will learn practical strategies and techniques to help their students gain writing fluency, become comfortable thinking on paper and develop the essential writing skills they need for future academic success, starting as early as kindergarten. Strategies addressed align with the NJ Student Learning Standards and are compatible with any existing English Language Arts (ELA) program.

601 Route 206/Suite 26-405
Hillsborough, NJ 08844

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About Collins Education Associates
CEA  delivers high-quality professional development to improve students' written communication skills and build subject area knowledge and understanding. Our cross-curricular writing model has been used successfully by thousands of teachers and millions of students in K−12 classrooms for more than 30 years . . . long before state and national standards called for frequent writing in all subject areas.
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